Planning Objections


Objecting to a town planning matter can be a difficult undertaking for those unfamiliar with the planning process, as a poorly worded town planning objection or submission may have little impact on decision makers, or as they often do ‘miss the mark’ completely.

Considering the significant resources placed behind town planning proposals by developers, how can individuals compete? Knowing how to influence the decision makers is paramount in ensuring you are not disadvantaged by inappropriate planning approvals.

Town Planning Group’s aim is to provide the best outcome that addresses your individual concerns. With extensive experience in urban and regional planning you can be assured that your planning objection will be counted.

This service includes:

  • review of your concerns against the application
  • evaluation of the application against the relevant planning scheme and legislation
  • discussion of the matter with council
  • drafting a detailed objection for your review
  • submitting the objection to council
  • provision of council correspondence


What we do?

  • review your concerns
  • evaluate the application
  • discuss with council
  • draft an objection for your review
  • submit the objection

Contact us

Lodge a Planning Objection

Click here to lodge a Planning Objection